Refresh Your Kitchen – May 2023

Do you have a creative "burst of energy" you're wanting to unleash this spring? This could be a perfect time to start planning that custom kitchen. When it comes to renovation work, we provide clients with a truly personalized experience called ‘Renovations Your Way’. It's a process divided into gold, silver and bronze...

A Bright & Organized Kitchen in January 2023

Happy New Year! We are so excited to continue making custom kitchen dreams come true in 2023. A fresh new year symbolizes a new beginning. Will this be a year you get around to fully organizing your kitchen, making it both wonderfully eye-catching and fabulously functional? We love the idea of 'making life easier' for you, which is why we've gathered...

March Blog – Selecting your New Cabinets

Whether you have a full-scale renovation underway or you're just looking to pump new life into your current kitchen or bathroom, new cabinets are always a great option. No matter how big or small a renovation is, selecting your cabinets can be one of the most intimidating decisions you have to make in the process. It...

Kitchen Organization Tips

It's never TOO early to start your "Spring Cleaning" and gain a fresh perspective. There are many physical and mental health benefits associated with the idea of organization, and during these difficult times, it never hurts to give ourselves some extra care. Organization can boost your productivity, reduce stress and even...